Proxy Voting Forms

The Cabin John Gardens By-laws were modified by a vote of the members at the March, 2013, Quarterly Meeting. The methods and requirements for voting by proxy have been expanded and clarified, and will be in effect for all future membership meetings. If you wish to vote by proxy, please download the appropriate proxy form (depending on which type of proxy you wish to use), by clicking on one of the blue down-arrow icons at the lower right of this page, and then print out the PDF file that is sent to your computer. Hard copies may be obtained from the CJG office, during office hours.

Which proxy should I use?

If you are unable to attend one or more meetings of the Cabin John Gardens Membership and want to have your vote counted, you may use a General/ Undirected Proxy, in which you authorize another person to vote for you with regard to all matters except for the election of directors; or, you may use a Directed Proxy, which enables you to cast your vote in your absence, on a specific topic. You may use a combination of both types of proxy -- one or more Directed Proxies for specific agenda items, plus an Undirected Proxy to cover any additional items; a Directed Proxy takes precedence over an Undirected Proxy for the votes to which the Directed Proxy applies.

No proxy, whether General or Directed, will be counted for any purpose unless the Member giving said proxy is in good standing and otherwise eligible to vote. Proxy forms must be carried to the meeting by a member in good standing. A member can only carry one proxy for each vote.

Members should use the Cabin John Gardens Proxy Forms (PDF link below) if possible. Members may also use a different format but all information required on the CJG Proxy Form must be included. If information is missing, the alternate format may not be valid. Specific instructions for using the form are included on the forms themselves.




Section 11. Voting and Proxy Voting. Each vote must be cast in person or by proxy and there shall be no voting by mail. Two forms of voting by proxy shall be permitted – undirected (general) and directed (specific) – as well as a form that combines the two approaches.

a. Undirected (General) Proxy Voting. A Member in good standing may appoint another Member in good standing to act on his or her behalf for purposes of meeting quorum requirements and to vote on any business before the Membership other than election of the Board of Directors. This Undirected Proxy does not state how it is to be voted. This proxy must be in writing, must be signed and dated by the Member, must state the name and address of the Member giving the proxy and the Member who is appointed as proxy, and must meet any other requirements specified by the Board of Directors. This type of proxy is effective for a maximum of 180 days, but the Member may specify a shorter effective time. The written proxy must be produced by the Member appointed as proxy and certified at each meeting at which it is exercised.

b. Directed (Specific) Proxy Voting. Directed proxies bind the proxy holder to specific terms, allowing the proxy giver control of his or her vote. A Member in good standing may vote on motions that are listed in meeting notices and for elections by giving another Member in good standing a Directed Proxy. This form of proxy must be in writing, specify the motion to which it applies, specify the Member’s vote on that motion, state the name and address of the Member, be signed and dated by the Member not more than one month prior to the date of the meeting, be exercised by a Member in good standing, and meet any other requirements specified by the Board of Directors. This type of proxy vote will be valid only for motions that are listed in meeting notices and which have not been modified during the meeting, and for candidates for the Board of Directors who are listed in meeting notices. Directed proxies also count toward the establishment of a quorum for the meeting.

c) Combined proxies: A proxy may combine directed and undirected parts and when it does it shall be used according to the rules above.

d) Revoking a proxy: A Member may revoke a proxy at any time by issuing a new proxy, by attending a meeting in person, or by written notice to the Board of Directors.

e) Limits on Proxyholders: No proxy holder shall vote more than one proxy of any type (in addition to his or her own vote) on any single question.

f) Form for Proxies: The Board of Directors shall provide a form for each type of proxy. Other forms may be used; however, the Board has the right to reject, for good cause, the use of any proxy forms which do not contain information required by the Board.